
See What Our Customers Say

Dear Tony, It has been a couple of months since your departure, and I thought I would write a letter of reference that you might find useful in your future endeavors. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with you over the past 11 years, not only side by side as a sales representative but for the last 4 years as fellow RVP’s on the management side, what a team! Working with you was fun and exciting! I also learned so much from you. You were constantly challenging me to learn new and better ways to solve the many daily problems we faced. You’re most impressive strengths, besides your technical knowledge, is your love of family and friends, how many times have we shared stories of our children? Tony, you are a wonderful friend and human being, and I wish you much success in whatever avenue you choose to pursue.
Kathy Stein
Tony always wanted to push the envelope, to me that was good: always on the edge, not accepting that “This will do” attitude. But the most important thing to me and the design team was that Tony was very serious about his business and understanding to us, always smiling, joking, and making us feel good. I don’t know how many accolades Tony won (he earned every one) but all I know is “He Came, He Saw, He Conquered.” He is a True Caesar in Las Vegas
Paul Dabrowa
I am writing this letter to inform anyone who reads it that I have known Tony Wideen for some time now and his knowledge of the carpet industry is second to none. I have had Tony as my regional manager and would work for him or help him in whatever he does in the future. Tony has shown himself in front of my customers as the one person who they could trust and get the help from they are looking for. I look forward to an ongoing relationship with Tony and can only wish him the best in what he pursues. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me for more praise.
Dale J. Gorder

Arizona Territory Manager

I have worked closely over the past 12 years with Tony Wideen, both as a Sales Representative and Regional Manager with and find him a very sharp, intuitive and hard-working individual. While presented a vast array of challenging situation with daily activities, Tony has always been in great control under pressure, energized by thinking outside the box, and willing to work all situations in order to see them completed to the very end. Through his integrity and drive, I have found myself improved as a professional and would honor the opportunity to work with him in any future situation.
Cynthia Katafiasz
Since Tony’s appointment to Western Sales Manager, he has been a tremendous positive influence to the rest of the managers, especially to me. Tony often voices his “out of the box” ideas or opinions and at first glance we all look at him with wonder. Typically upon further consideration we realize that his view is both insightful and logical. His views have led our management group to discussions that open realms of possibilities beyond “the box” and we will miss his insight, but hope we have taken away some of his open mindedness and we think we will often wonder “What would Tony say?” Tony has been forever patient and nurturing his sales force, all of whom love him dearly and have learned a tremendous amount from him in the line of salesmanship. I have rarely seen an employee on the sales side more respected and loved by the employees at the mill. Tony has always treated them with respect and consideration, even if frustrated by levels of processes that can dull anyone’s spirit. One mill manager even quoted that “Tony put the gray in black and white.” While this is a playful comment, I believe it also to be a testament to his never-ending search to find a better way. “Spirit” that is what is so special about Tony. He is honest, genuine, determined, committed, loyal and all the positive things that one could ask for in an employee. Any company would be blessed to have Tony join their organization and I hope never to lose touch with him. Sincerely and with best wishes,
Ann Gladden

I am writing this letter regarding Tony Wideen. I have known Tony for over ten years. I have worked with him side-by-side as a sales rep and then under his management for my territory. I first met Tony when he was a sales agent. He was in the Las Vegas territory and I was in the San Francisco Bay Area. I really respected Tony and all that he taught me during my young introspective years as a sales rep. As time passed I thought of Tony as a Mentor. He really knew the carpet business with Casinos as his specialty. I had a couple of Casino projects in the Bay Area which I requested his expertise to help me retain the projects. As the years went on, Tony and I would speak once in a while just to catch up on projects. He was always caring and wanted to see me do well. I craved advice from him, after all, he was an expert in his field. Tony became my sales manager for a few months after I moved back to Colorado to take on my own territory. Tony was a great manager. He is kind, caring, enthusiastic, energetic, grateful, positive, praising, realistic, intelligent and rational among many other assets in his personality. He worked very hard to develop what was the best group of sales people, using all of our skills and pulling out attributes from each and every one of us to make us the best we could be. When Tony spoke of success, it was our individual success that made him successful. I am proud to know Tony Wideen and to have worked with him and for him for so many years. He is an exceptional asset to any company.
Barbara Marcy

Barb Marcy & Associates

He took great interest in helping the people he worked with to be successful. I have been in this industry for 30 years and hold that experience as a model of how to manage. Tony is honest without being brutal.
Rena Forest

Forest & Associates

This letter is to serve as a positive recommendation for Tony Wideen. Tony has served well for over 19 years and recently retired. Tony has proven performance as a sales person selling to the hospitality industry. He was promoted to Regional Sales Manager and did an outstanding job in recruiting, retaining sales reps and growing the business in his Western Region. Tony retired as “Regional Manager of the Year” and was rated the highest rating from his sales reps on our annual evaluation. Tony’s main attributes are as follows: Positive Attitude, Loyalty to his customers, sales reps and company, Honest business ethics, Hard Worker that knows how to get things done, Persistence. We will miss Tony as part of the team and would recommend him highly to anyone for future employment. He has built a great team of sales people and his shoes will be hard to fill. – Steve Hillis
Steve Hillis

Senior Vice President

It has been a pleasure to be working with and under the direct supervision of Mr. Tony Wideen. Tony hired me as New Mexico & West Texas Territory Manager. Under his supervision, I was given trust and guidance to support this young territory. With faith and confidence entrusted to me along with great support by Tony, my young territory budded to an annual $700,000 in carpet sales. Tony is a fantastic supervisor. As a Regional Manager, Tony had the task of overseeing a sales staff of over twenty people within a fifteen state territory. Although the miles were great for this territory, he was only a phone call away. He kept all of us up to date with voice mails, e-mails, and phone calls to address the urgent matters. Tony has been an inspiration as he has offered so much experience in sales unto each of us. I personally will miss Tony, as I have enjoyed his humor, his dutiful dedication to  his sales staff as well as his follow-up and attention to matters which only seem to be resolved with a manager. Tony understands his sales staff as well as the intricacies within an organization as vast as Mohawk. With Tony, the customers were always addressed with their concern appropriately and quickly. The sales staff always appreciated his warm regard, positive attitude and his approach to our needs. Tony understood his sales staff: our inadequacies and our positive attributes. Many of us seasoned sales people tend to embrace our clients, and often time have difficulties with paperwork. Tony was always wonderful about understanding yet bridging out faults to a positive result. I will truly miss Tony Wideen as my Regional Manager. I feel proud to have known him and appreciate him as a superior person of management. I would recommend Tony for any form of sales position, sales management or regional or territorial position for any manufacturer. As Tony is fluent in the flooring industry, Tony is wonder in sales, and with clients. He has won the hearts and trust of all my clients here in New Mexico and West Texas.

Tina Zappia

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